Our Philosophy

Winemakers from across the horizons agree on one primordial point: an excellent wine comes from a top quality grape. At the Lécheneaut Domain, the grapes are harvested at the optimal maturity and are carefully selected and sorted to guarantee their ideal condition when it is time to place them into the vats.
To achieve the perfect quality of grapes, the utmost care is given to the tasks taking place in the vineyards throughout the year.
To achieve the perfect quality of grapes, the utmost care is given to the tasks taking place in the vineyards throughout the year.
It is absolutely necessary to preserve the agricultural balance of the soil. In order to do so, sustainable agriculture has been rigorously applied. The technical choices are guided by nature and the environment.
Yields are limited and since 2000, organic products are used to fight against parasites and diseases of the vines. The ground is worked in the purest respect of tradition, and despite the winter mist, it is not rare to see a horse working in the vineyards of the Lécheneaut Domain.